Non-Consensual Sexual Behavior

Intrapsychic offers the following treatment program for non-consensual sexual behavior:

Compulsive Sexual Behavior Program

Adult males who have engaged in problem or illegal sexual behavior comprise the client population of this program. All Intrapsychic therapists are certified by the California Sexual Offender Management Board (CASOMB), and have years of experience in working with this population. Intrapsychic may be, indeed, the only program of its kind that adopts an Attachment Theory framework by which to understand the problems at hand. The curriculum is split between Cognitive Behavioral interventions and those that have to do with early experiences at the hands of caregivers. Therapists are pleased to work with the court system, probation or parole authorities, and private attorneys, who often refer clients to Dr. Reavis during the pretrial phase of the criminal case. We help patients come to terms with the gravity of their behavior, and who they have hurt, while also ‘holding in mind’ a sense of their basic goodness. In short: We judge the crime, certainly, but not the person behind it. Contact us today to learn more about this program.

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